Monday, February 2, 2009

Another Good Day

I'll start with yesterday...darn it Cardinals! Maddie, Matt and I went to a Superbowl party with some friends up in Wickenburg. We had a great time, and Maddie was the hit of the evening...especially since our beloved Cards lost. Maddie did great and there was no sign of a fever all day. We haven't had to resort to Tylenol for a couple days. It's strange how relieving it is for Maddie to be better after being sick. I follow a couple stories of children who have been hospitalized for their entire lives, and I imagine how relieved THEY'D be if their child had only gone through what Maddie did. Experiences like this make me even more grateful for Madelyn's health, strength and disposition.

Today was, like the title said, another good day. Maddie is getting so strong. She can scoot like a champ now, and she's really getting the hang of pushing off with her legs. Once Maddie figures out how to push up with her arms and legs at the same time, I fear she'll be off. Matt and I are talking seriously about baby proofing our home. I can't believe it's already come to that. Yikes!

I have to brag on Maddie for just one second...while we were at the doctor and the hospital, Maddie kept saying, "Mama". People kept asking me how old she was. It took her saying it several times for people to actually believe their ears. I just smiled through the tears and told them she'd been saying it for a couple weeks. And yes, she is just four months old. I've included a picture of my little sweetie making a face like her mommy.

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