Sunday, January 25, 2009

Here We Go!!!

This is it! I've finally started a blog to record all the wonderful and amazing things that Maddie does on a daily basis. Now, most posts probably won't be as thrilling as one might hope, but I'm writing them nonetheless. Today, Maddie is 4 months and 6 days old. The time has flown by way, way, way too quickly. As of today, Maddie coos and caws, giggles, laughs, loves to be tickled on her ribs, rolls from front to back and back to front both ways, kicks her feet in the bath, scoots forward and backward, jumps in her jumparoo...Maddie HATES to sleep, loves her baths, couldn't care less about any of our pets, and loves, loves, loves her mama and papa. She's recently started to say "Mamamamamama" and "Dadadadadada". And she's thisclose to sitting all by herself. Yesterday, Maddie was sitting on my belly and she used my legs to push herself up to standing. Today, she was so cranky, which is very unlike her. Every day, my daughter amazes me more and more. I'm so grateful to my husband for letting me stay home with her and do the best job I could imagine - raising my daughter.

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